Guoqiang Li
Associate Professor, Ph.D.(JAIST,2008)
School of Software,
Shanghai Jiao Tong University,
800 Dongchuan Rd., Minhang Dist., Shanghai, 200240 China
[Research Interests]
[Contact Me]
formal verification
programming language theory
knowledge reasoning and verification
intelligent system verification and security
A detailed list of current running projects is available at
Present Lectures [Lecture calendar this semester]
SE3308, Algorithm Design, for undergraduates, autumn semester
EI6303, Design and Analysis of Algorithms, for graduates, spring semester
GE6001, Scientific Writing, Integrity and Ethics, for graduates, autumn semester
Past Lectures
SE2324, Mathematical Foundation for Computer Sciences, for undergraduates, 2021-2023
SE3352, Algorithm Design (2 credits), for undergraduates, 2021-2023
SE121, Design and Implementation of Algorithms, for undergraduates, 2020
SE222, Principle of Algorithms, for undergraduates, 2016-2019
SE226, Computability Theory, for undergraduates, 2012-2014
X037515, Fundamentals of Programming Languages, for graduates, 2017
A list of my students is available here
Those who are looking for doctorial or master supervision are suggested to click here.
Research on Universal Zero-Knowledge Virtual Machines and Efficient Blockchain Accumulators, main contributor, Special Project on Key Technologies in Blockchain, Shanghai Science and Technology Innovation Action Plan, 2024-2025
Scalable and Certifiable Verification of Deep-Learning Enabled Systems, main contributor, NSFC-ISF Joint Program, 2021-2024
Verification Models and Efficient Algorithms of Asynchronously
Communicating Programs Based on Basic Parallel Processes, PI, NSFC General Program, 2019-2022
Reliability of Safety Critical Software Systems, Sub-project PI, NSFC Key Program, 2018-2022
Theory and Methodology of Asynchronously Communicating Program Analysis, PI, NSFC General Program, 2017
Verification on Reachability Problem of Time-Sensitive Pushdown Systems, PI, NSFC General Program, 2015-2018
Methodology of Program Analysis Based on Automata Model Checking with Time Issues, PI, NSFC Youth, 2012-2014
A list sorted by categories is available
Junyong Chen, Ling-I Wu, Minyu Chen, Xiaoying Qian, Haoze Zhu, Qiongfang Zhang, Guoqiang Li. ARCEAK: An Automated Rule Checking Framework Enhanced with Architectural Knowledge. CoRR abs/2501.14735
Ruibang Liu, Guoqiang Li, Minyu Chen, Ling-I Wu, Jingyu Ke. Enhancing Automated Loop Invariant Generation for Complex Programs with Large Language Models. CoRR abs/2412.10483
Hao Chen, Minyu Chen, Ruibang Liu, Guoqiang Li, Sinka Gao. AC4: Algebraic Computation Checker for Circuit Constraints in ZKPs. CoRR abs/2403.15676
Sinka Gao, Guoqiang Li, Hongfei Fu, Heng Zhang. A Multi-Chain Synchronization Protocol that Leverage Zero Knowledge Proof to Minimize Communication Trust Base. CoRR abs/2209.02974
Ying Zhao, Jinhao Tan, Guoqiang Li. BPPChecker: An SMT-based Model Checker on Basic Parallel Processes. CoRR abs/2110.09414
Conferences and Workshops:
Minyu Chen, Guoqiang Li*, Ling-I Wu, Ruibang Liu. DCE-LLM: Dead Code Elimination with Large Language Models. In Proceedings of the 2025 Annual Conference of the Nations of the Americas Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL'25), accepted
Jingyu Ke, Hongfei Fu, Hongming Liu, Zhouyue Sun, Liqian Chen and Guoqiang Li. Affine Disjunctive Invariant Generation with Farkas' Lemma. In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation (VMCAI'25), LNCS 15529, 187-213, 2025
Minyu Chen, Guoqiang Li*, Ling-I Wu, Ruibang Liu, Yuxin Su, Xi Chang, Jianxin Xue. Can Language Models Pretend Solvers? Logic Code Simulation with LLMs. In Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Dependable Software Engineering: Theories, Tools and Applications (SETTA'24), LNCS 15469, 102-121, 2024
Yuchen Li, Hongfei Fu, Haowen Long, Guoqiang Li. Constraint Based Invariant Generation with Modular Operations. In Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Dependable Software Engineering: Theories, Tools and Applications (SETTA'24), LNCS 15469, 64-84, 2024
Hongming Liu, Guoqiang Li*. Empirically Scalable Invariant Generation Leveraging Divide-and-Conquer with Pruning. In Proceedings of the 18th International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Software Engineering (TASE'24), LNCS 14777, 324-342, 2024
Jingyang Li, Guoqiang Li*. HOBAT: Batch Verification for Homogeneous Structural Neural Networks. In Proceedings of the 38th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE'23), 1276-1287, 2023
Chenhao Shi, Hao Chen, Ruibang Liu, Guoqiang Li*. Data-Flow-Based Normalization Generation Algorithm of R1CS for Zero-Knowledge Proof. In Proceedings of the 28th IEEE Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing (PRDC'23), IEEE Society, 191-197, 2023
Minyu Chen, Guoqiang Li*, Chen Ma, Jingyang Li, Hongfei Fu. Repo4QA: Answering Coding Questions via Dense Retrieval on GitHub Repositories. In Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, (COLING'22), International Committee on Computational Linguistics, 1580-1592, 2022
Hongming Liu, Hongfei Fu, Zhiyong Yu, Jiaxin Song, Guoqiang Li. Scalable Linear Invariant Generation with Farkas Lemma. In Proceedings of the 37th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages, and Applications (OOPSLA'22), Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages Vol.6 (OOPSLA2): 204-232, 2022
Qunhao Sha, Qizhe Yang, Guoqiang Li*. A Parallel Implementation of Liveness on Knowledge Graphs under Label Constraints. In Proceedings of the 15th IEEE International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Software Engineering (TASE'21), IEEE Society, 103-110, 2021
Jieshan Chen, Mulong Xie, Zhenchang Xing, Chunyang Chen, Xiwei Xu, Liming Zhu, Guoqiang Li. Object Detection for Graphical User Interface: Old Fashioned or Deep Learning or a Combination?. In Proceedings of the ACM Joint Meeting on the 18th European Software Engineering Conference and the 28 Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE'20), 1202-1214, 2020
Jieshan Chen, Chunyang Chen*, Zhenchang Xing, Xiwei Xu, Liming Zhu, Guoqiang Li*, Jinshui Wang*. Unblind Your Apps: Predicting Natural-Language Labels for Mobile GUI Components by Deep Learning. In Proceedings of the 42nd International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE'20), 322-334, 2020 (Distinguished paper award!)
Dehai Zhao, Zhenchang Xing, Chunyang Chen, Xiwei Xu,
Liming Zhu, Guoqiang Li*, Jinshui Wang*. Seenomaly: Vision-Based Linting of GUI Animation Effects
Against Design-Don't Guidelines. In Proceedings of the 42nd International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE'20), 1286-1297, 2020
Xiaoxue Ren, Zhenchang Xing, Xin Xia, Guoqiang Li, Jianling Sun. Discovering, Explaining and Summarizing Controversial Discussions in Community Q&A Sites. In Proceedings of the 34th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE'19), 151-162, 2019
Dehai Zhao, Zhenchang Xing, Chunyang Chen*, Xin Xia*, Guoqiang Li*. ActionNet: Vision-based Workflow Action Recognition From Programming Screencasts. In Proceedings of the 41st ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE'19), 350-361, 2019
Haitao Zhang, Ayang Tuo, Guoqiang Li. Model Checking is Possible to Verify Large-scale Vehicle Distributed Application Systems. In Proceedings of the 26th Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE'19), 594-597, 2019
Muhammad Jahanzeb Khan, Adeel Zafar, Valeriia Tumanian, Yue Ding, Guoqiang Li*. Object Detection Boosting using Object Attributes
in Detect and Describe Framework. In Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI'19), 886-893, 2019
Chunyang Chen, Xi Chen, Jiamou Sun, Zhenchang Xing, Guoqiang Li*. Data-Driven Proactive Policy Assurance of Post Quality in Community Q&A Sites. In Proceedings of the 21st ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW'18), ACM, Vol. 2, 33, 2018
Haitao Zhang, Guoqiang Li, Xiaohong Li, Zhuo Cheng, Jinyun Xue, Shaoying Liu. An Efficient Approach for Verifying Automobile Distributed
Application Systems on Timing Property. In Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE'18), IEEE/ACM Society, 230-231, 2018
Yuwei Wang, Guoqiang Li, Shoji Yuen. Nested Timed Automata with Invariants. In Proceedings of the 3rd Symposium on Dependable Software Engineering: Theories, Tools, and Applications (SETTA'17), LNCS 10606, 77-93, 2017
Yuwei Wang, Yunqing Wen, Guoqiang Li, Shoji Yuen. Nested Timed Automata with Diagonal Constraints. In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods (ICFEM'17), LNCS 10610, 396-412, 2017
Haitao Zhang, Zhuo Cheng, Cong Tian, Yonggang Lu, Guoqiang Li. Verifying OSEK/VDX Applications: An Optimized SMT-based Bounded Model Checking Approach. In Proceedings of the 15th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Computer and Information Science (ACIS-ICIS'16), IEEE Society, 1-6, 2016
Guoqiang Li, Mizuhito Ogawa, Shoji Yuen. Nested Timed Automata with Frozen Clocks. In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on
Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed Systems (FORMATS'15), LNCS 9268, 189-205, 2015
Guoqiang Li, Xiaojuan Cai, Mizuhito Ogawa, Shoji Yuen. Nested Timed Automata . In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on
Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed Systems (FORMATS'13), LNCS 8053, 168-182, 2013
Yizhou Zhang, Hao Lin, Guoqiang Li. Emerald: An Automated Modeling and Verification Tool for Component-Based Real-Time Systems. In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Quality Software (QISC'12), IEEE Society, 120-123, 2012
Guoqiang Li. Measuring Time Lag with Nested Preemptions and Resumptions. In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Formal methOds for Real-time Distributed Systems (FORDS'12 @ ISORC'12), IEEE Society, 19-24, 2012
Guoqiang Li, Shoji Yuen, Masakazu Adachi.Environmental Simulation of Real-Time Systems with Nested Interrupts. In Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Software Engineering (TASE'09), IEEE Society, 21-28, 2009
Guoqiang Li, Mizuhito Ogawa. Authentication Revisited: Flaw or Not, the Recursive Authentication Protocol. In Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on
Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis (ATVA'08), LNCS 5311, 374-385, 2008
Guoqiang Li, Mizuhito Ogawa. On-the-fly Model Checking of Fair Non-repudiation Protocols. In Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on
Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis (ATVA'07), LNCS 4762, 511-522, 2007
Journals and Transactions:
Ling-I Wu, Yuxin Su, Guoqiang Li*.
Zero-Shot Construction of Chinese Medical Knowledge Graph with GPT-3.5-turbo and GPT-4.
ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems, accepted
Jingyang Li, Guoqiang Li*.
The Triangular Trade-off between Robustness, Accuracy and Fairness in Deep Neural Networks: A Survey. ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 57(6), Article 140, 2025
Sinka Gao, Guoqiang Li*, Hongfei Fu. ZKWASM: A ZKSNARK WASM Emulator. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, Vol. 17(6), 4508-4521, 2024
Chenhao Shi, Ruibang Liu, Hao Chen, Guoqiang Li*, Sinka Gao. RNA: R1CS Normalization Algorithm Based on Data Flow Graphs for Zero-Knowledge Proofs. Formal Aspects of Computing, Vol. 36(4), Article 20, 2024
Zhiwen Wu, Guoqiang Li*.
A Formal Model and Method for Verifying Asynchronous Program Based on Communication-Free Petri Net. Journal of Software (in Chinese), Vol. 34(8), 3674-3685, 2023
Ying Zhao, Jinhao Tan, Guoqiang Li*. Verification Method and Implementation of Asynchronously Communicating Programs Based on Basic Parallel Processes. Journal of Software (in Chinese), Vol. 33(8), 2782-2796, 2022
Suyu Ma, Zhenchang Xing, Chunyang Chen*, Cheng Chen,
Lizhen Qu, Guoqiang Li*. Easy-to-Deploy API Extraction by Multi-Level
Feature Embedding and Transfer Learning. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Vol. 47(10), 2296 - 2311, 2021
Jinhao Tan, Guoqiang Li*. Bounded Model Checking Liveness on Basic Parallel Processes. Journal of Software (in Chinese), Vol. 31(8), 2388-2403, 2020
Rujiang Ding, Guoqiang Li*. An Efficient Implementation of Coverability Verification on Communication-free Petri Net. Journal of Software (in Chinese), Vol. 30(7), 1939-1952, 2019
Chunmiao Li, Xiaojuan Cai, Guoqiang Li*. Lower Bound for Coverability Problem of Well-Structured Pushdown Systems. Journal of Software (in Chinese), Vol. 29(10), 3009-3020, 2018
Guoqiang Li*, Li Liu, Akira Fukuda. Asynchronous Multi-Process Timed Automata. Software Quality Journal, Vol. 26(3): 961-989, 2018
Yuxi Fu, Guoqiang Li, Cong Tian. Preface on Theoretical Foundation of Formal Methods. Journal of Software (in Chinese), Vol. 29(6), 1515-1516, 2018
Haitao Zhang, Guoqiang Li*, Zhuo Cheng, Jinyun Xue. Verifying OSEK/VDX Automotive Applications: A Spin-Based Model Checking Approach. Software: Testing, Verification and Reliability, Vol. 28(3), 2018
Congcong Ye, Guoqiang Li*, Hongming Cai, Yonggen Gu. Evaluating the Safety of Blockchain. Journal of Software (in Chinese), Vol. 29(5), 1348-1359, 2018
Ling Fang, Chunyan Mu, Zhuo Cheng, Guoqiang Li*. Evaluation of Redundancy Based System: A Model Checking Approach. SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences, Vol. 61(6), 069101, 2018
Haitao Zhang, Zhuo Cheng, Guoqiang Li, Shaoying Liu. autoC: an Efficient Translator for Model Checking Deterministic Scheduler based OSEK/VDX Applications. SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences, Vol. 61(5), 052102, 2018
Guoqiang Li*, Yunqing Wen, Shoji Yuen. Updatable Timed Automata with One Updatable Clock. SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences, Vol. 61(1), 012102, 2018
Qizhe Yang, Guoqiang Li*. Model on Asynchronously Communicating Program Verification Based on Communicating Petri Nets. Journal of Software (in Chinese), Vol. 28(4), 804-818, 2017
Li Liu, Guoqiang Li*. The Coverability Problem of Asynchronous Multi-Process Timed Automata. Journal of Software (in Chinese), Vol. 28(5), 1080-1090, 2017
Yuwei Wang, Guoqiang Li* and Shoji Yuen. Nested Timed Automata with Various Clocks. Science Foundation in China, Vol. 24(2), 51-68, 2016
Lichao Wang, Guoqiang Li*, Zhenjiang Hu. Constructing Format-Preserving Printing from Syntax-Directed Definition. SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences, Vol. 58 (11), 112106:1-112106:14, 2015
Guoqiang Li*, Xiaojuan Cai, Shoji Yuen. Modeling and Analysis of Real-Time Systems with Mutex Components. International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science (IJFCS) , Vol. 23(4), 831-851, 2012
Guoqiang Li*, Mizuhito Ogawa. On-the-fly model checking of security protocols and its implementation
by Maude. IPSJ Transactions on Programming, Vol.48, No. SIG 10(PRO 33), 50-75, June 2007 (also appear in IPSJ Digital Courier, Vol.3, 343-368, 2007)
On-the-fly Model Checking of Security Protocols. Doctoral Thesis,
March, 2008
Formal Research of Security Protocols Based on Process Calculus. Master Thesis, March, 2005.
Senior member of China Computer Federation (CCF)
Deputy Director of Theoretical Computer Science, Shanghai Computer Society
Committee member
Standing Committee of Formal Methods, China Computer Federation
Technical Committee of Logics in Artificial Intelligence, Chinese Association for Artificial Intelligence
Technical Committee of Language and Knowledge Computing, Chinese Information Processing Society of China
Technical Committee of Image Intelligence and Edge Computing, China Society of Image and Graphics
Technical Committee of Theoretical Computer Science, Shanghai Computer Society
Technical Committee of Construction Internet and BIM, Chinese Society for Urban Studies
Organization Chair
SEKM'22 | SEKM'21 | SEKM'20 | FMAC'17
Publicity Chair
TASE'23 | TASE'22 | TASE'21
PC Member
The 5th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Logic and Application (AILA'25)
Chinasoft'24 | PRICAI'24 | CCKS-IJCKG'24 | TASE'24 | IEEE MedAI'24 | GPC'24 | CSCWD'24
Chinasoft'23 | SETTA'23 | CCKS'23 | TASE'23 | PRICAI'23 | IEEE MedAI'23
Chinasoft'22 | CCKS'22 | SETTA'22 | TASE'22 | ICTAC'22
Chinasoft'21 | CCKS'21 | SETTA'21 | TASE'21 | SEKM'21
SEKM'20 | TASE'20
SEKM'19 | FMAC'19 | ICEBE'19 | SATE'19 | SETTA'19 | TASE'19
DSA'18 | YR-FMAC'18 | ICEBE'18 | SATE'18 | SEKM'18 | ISSSR'18 | FMAC'18 | SETTA'18 | APDCM'18
YR-SETTA'17 | DSA'17 | ICFEM'17 | SOFL+MSVL'17 | TASE'17 | SEKM'17 | ICA3PP'17 | APDCM'17
FMAC'16 | YR-SETTA'16 | IS3R'16 | ICEBE'16 | SEKM'16 | SOFL+MSVL'16 | CANDAR'16 | PDAA'16 | APDCM'16 | D2D'16
YR-SETTA'15 | CANDAR'15 | DCIT'15 | SEKM'15 | APDCM'15 | HASE'15
PDAA'13 | CANDAR'13 | APDCM'13
PDAA'12 | ICNC'12 | FORDS'12 | APDCM'12
PDAA'11 | ICNC'11 | APDCM'11
Poster Session Chair
Address: Room 1212, Software Building, 800 Dongchuan Road, Minhang District, Shanghai, 200240 China
Phone: +86-21-3420-4167
Email: li DOT g AT sjtu DOT edu DOT cn
Guoqiang Li
Last modified: Friday, Apr. 14, 2023.