Yuxi Fu

Yuxi Fu

I am a professor of the Department of Computer Science, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. I served as the chair of the Computer Science Department from 1999 to 2009 and as the dean of the School of Software from 2001 to 2013. Currently I am the director of BASICS, the Laboratory for Basic Studies in Computing Science, and the president of Shanghai Computer Society.

My research interest has been mainly in theoretical computer science. The evolution of my research interest, from type theory and its semantics, to process theory, and then to the expressiveness of interaction, can be seen from the list of my publications. My current research fields cover (i) Theory of Interaction founded on Thesis of Interaction and (ii) decidability and complexity issues in verification.

Theory of Interaction aims to provide a unified treatment to both computation models and interaction models. The starting point of the theory is to define, in a model independent manner, the two most important relationships in computer science, the expressiveness relationship between models and the equality relationship between the processes of a model. Model independence is crucial to any formalization of the foundational postulates in computer science. It renders posssible the formalization of Thesis of Interaction.

Our work on verification of infinite state systems has been carried out in the framework of process rewriting systems. Equality checking and regularity checking are difficult in the presence of silent actions. We have proved that the branching bisimilarity on normed BPA is decidable. Our recent work is about the decidability of epsilon pushig/poping PDA.

I am an executive member of the Asian Association for Foundation of Software (AAFS).

I am on the editorial board of Mathematical Structures in Computer Science.

I teach two courses, Computational Complexity I in autumn semester and Computational Complexity II in spring semester.


Papers (bibtex)

Theory of Interaction


Process Calculus

Type and Semantics


Last updated: 22 Sep, 2017