SE222: Theory of Algorithm (Fall semester, 2016/2017)

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Weeks Lectures Topics Readings Dates
#1Lecture 1
slides1 , slides2
Introduction [0] ch 4.3, [1] ch 5.1.4, [2] ch 21, [3] ch 1.5 Sep. 13 (Tuesday)
Lecture 2
Fundamentals [0] ch 1.8-1.14, [1] ch 0, [2] ch 3, [3] ch 1.4 Sep. 16 (Friday)
#2 Lecture 3
Induction&Sort(I) [0] ch 5, [1] ch 1 Sep. 20 (Tuesday)
#3 Lecture 4
slides , Demo Partition
Divide and Conquer [0] ch 1.5, 1.7, 5.2, 5.3, 6.3, 6.6 [1] ch 2.3, 2.4, [2] ch 6, 7, 8, [3] ch 2 Sep. 27 (Tuesday)
Lecture 5
slides , Demo Heapsort
Heapsort [0] ch 5.2, 5.3 [1] ch 2.3, 2.4, [2] ch 6, 7, 8, [3] ch 2 Sep. 30 (Friday)
#4 Holiday Oct. 4 (Tuesday)
#5 Lecture 6
slides , Demo DFS , Demo BFS
Demo Topological sort
Demo KosarajuSharir
Graph Traversal [0] ch 9 [1] ch 3 [2] ch 22 [3] ch 4 Oct. 11 (Tuesday), Oct. 14 (Friday)
#6 Lecture 7
slides , Demo BellmanFord
Demo Dijkstra, Demo FloydWahall
Shortest paths [0] ch 4.2, 8.2, [1] ch 4, [2] ch 24, [3] ch 4 Oct. 18 (Tuesday), Oct. 25 (Tuesday)
#7 Lecture 8
Greedy approach [0] ch 8, [1] ch 5, [2] ch 16 Oct. 28 (Friday)
#8, #9 Lecture 9
Dynamic programming [0] ch 7, [1] ch 6, [2] ch 15 Nov. 1 (Tuesday), Nov. 8 (Tuesday)
#10 Lecture 10
Network flow [0] ch 16,17, [1] ch 6, [2] ch 26 Nov. 11 (Friday), Nov. 15 (Tuesday)
#11 Lecture 12 String Nov. 22 (Tuesday)
Lecture 13 Data compression Nov. 25 (Friday)
#12 Lecture 14 P and NP [0] ch 10, [1] ch 8, [2] ch 34 Nov. 29 (Tuesday), Dec. 6 (Tuesday)
#13 Lecture 15 Lower bounds [0] ch 12, [2] ch 8.1 Dec. 9 (Friday)
#14 Lecture 15 Approximation algorithms [0] ch 15, [1]ch 9.2, [2] ch 35 Dec. 13 (Tuesday), Dec. 20 (Tuesday)
#15 Lecture 16 Computational geometry [0] ch 18, [2] ch 33 Dec. 23 (Friday)
#16 Wrap up Review Dec. 27 (Tuesday)


Recommended books

[0] M.H. Alsuwaiyel. Algorithms: design techniques and analysis, World Scientific Pub. Co. Inc. 1999.
[1] S. Dasgupta, C. H. Papadimitriou, U. V. Vazirani. Algorithms, 2006
[2] T. Cormen, C. Leiserson, R. Rivest, and C. Stein. Introduction to Algorithms, Third edition, 2009
[3] R. Sedgewick, K. Wayne. Algorithms, Fourth edition, 2011

Algorithms design and analysis    Algorithms    Introduction to algorithms    Algorithms, Princeton University

Useful links

“Computer Science is the study of algorithms.”   -- Donald E. Knuth

“……This book tells the story of the other intellectual enterprise that is crucially fueling the computer revolution: efficient algorithms.
It is a fascinating story. Gather ‘round and listen close…….”
---- Papadimitriou et al. “Algorithms”

--- 邹恒明 《算法之道》